0Scientists who think that children learn aggressive behaviour from TV also emphasize that parents have the power over what their children watch. Because of this, many scientists recommend a number of things that parents can do. Reduce the amount of hours of TV that your children watch, watch at least one episode of the shows your children watch, and when they see a violent act on the show that their children are watching, discuss it with your child and tell them that this kind of behaviour is not good and not the way to solve problems.
Qualified teachers instruct students during their education. Sometimes, there are teachers that do not meet the teaching standards. In this case, the parents should voice the problem to the school authorities as there is a better chance of finding a solution. Parents' spending quality time makes a difference in a child's attitude. Children learn from their parents' morals, values, and boundaries that they will use throughout their life. A parent must be able to communicate and be an active listener with the child. This kind of support will help the child and the parents feel secure in their relationship. As a result, they will be able to work out any problem together such as the child having a difficult school project or a conflict with another student.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 21 12 2024
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