1. 251.
    yedirdim lan dedeleri,
    stranger: where can i talk to you later
    you: in nobrain.dk i have a room
    you: aggelina
    you: http://www.tinyurl.com/lilly19 or come to here, it s my nickname
    you: are you there
    you: ??
    stranger: you
    stranger: bad
    stranger: girl
    you: what??
    stranger: how can i close
    stranger: that fuck
    you: inci giber yavrum
    stranger: very bad
    stranger: aby
    stranger: very bad
    you: say hi to dedeler
    you: just say ohhhhh
    stranger: you english are to bad
    you: kiss my viruses
    you: you can sex with dedeler
    you: are you there lan??
    your conversational partner has disconnected.
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