1. 76.
    council of the european union
    european parliament
    european commission
    secretariat general
    forward studies unit
    directorate general for agriculture
    directorate general for budget
    directorate general for competition
    directorate general for development
    directorate general for economic and financial affairs
    directorate general for education and culture <additional site>
    directorate general for employment and social affairs
    european social fund (esf)
    european employment observatory (eeo)
    directorate general for energy and transport <additional site>
    directorate general for enlargement
    directorate general for enterprise
    community research and development information service (cordis)
    directorate general for environment
    directorate general for external relations
    directorate general for fisheries
    directorate general for health and consumer protection
    directorate general for information society
    directorate general for internal market
    directorate general for justice and home affairs
    directorate general for personnel and administration
    informatics directorate (di)
    directorate general for regional policy
    directorate general for research
    joint research centre (jrc)
    institute for energy (ie)
    institute for environment and sustainability (ies)
    institute for health and consumer protection (ihcp)
    institute for prospective technological studies (ipts)
    institute for the protection and security of the citizen (ipsc)
    institute for reference materials and measurements (irmm)
    institute for transuranium elements (itu)
    directorate general for taxation and customs union
    directorate general for trade
    euratom supply agency
    humanitarian aid office (echo)
    europeaid co-operation office
    statistical office (eurostat)
    publications office
    european anti-fraud office (olaf)
    spokesman's service
    translation service
    joint interpreting and conference service (jics)
    legal service
    space coordination group
    european environment agency (eea)
    european agency for the evaluation of medicinal products (emea)
    european agency for safety and health at work (eashw)
    european agency for reconstruction (ear)
    office for harmonization in the internal market (trademarks and designs) (ohim)
    community plant variety office (cpvo)
    european foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions
    european industrial relations observatory (eiro)
    european training foundation (etf)
    european centre for the development of vocational training (cedefop)
    european monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction (emcdda)
    european monitoring centre on racism and xenophobia (eumc)
    translation centre for the bodies of the european union
    european investment bank (eib)
    european university institute (eui)
    historical archives of the european communities
    european police office (europol)
    european union institute for security studies (euiss)
    european union satellite centre (eusc)
    european central bank (ecb)
    european ombudsman
    committee of the regions (cor)
    economic and social committee (esc)
    european court of auditors
    european court of justice

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