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european history from prehistory to the present day people living in the european continent from the date. bc archaeological excavations on the european continent confirms the presence of a man dating back to 35,000 by the year [1]. in europe as the first written document filed in the bc 700 years of ancient greece, homer's iliad wrote shown [2]. as well as ancient greece, bc 8. century, established the first advanced civilizations in the past recorded in europe between the roman kingdom. civilizations of ancient greece and ancient roman ms 4. century, collapsed in the same century, christianity began to influence the religious culture of europe.
entered a period of profound stagnation in the early middle ages, european, middle east and asia lagged behind those of many advanced civilizations [3]. after starting the renaissance and reform movements in the modern period but, again, the european military, economic, democratic and technological ways to capture other parts of the world, then passed in front of them. european countries established colonies on other continents that use this advantage, exploiting the economic resources of these continents, their own people than other continents have provided a high level of prosperity.
20. century economic and military aspects of the european countries that dominate the world, the world's economic and military leadership to the united states kaptırdılar. accelerated rise in the continent of asia is also one. before japan and korea, then china and india rapidly growing in asian countries such as europe, they became rivals. european countries formed the european union is going to join forces in the meantime. in the 27 countries of europe currently hosts the european union, collectively, given the total imports, exports and gdp in the world's most powerful economic union such as the angles [4] [5].
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