uyarı!: site şuan kapalı konumda."; } if ($site
"tech" and $verified_kat
"admin" and $process != "top") { echo "uyarı!: site şuan bakım konumunda."; } if ($site == "off" and $verified_kat != "admin" and $process != "top") { include "kapali"; die; } if ($site == "tech" and $verified_kat != "admin" and $process != "top") { include "bakim.php"; die; } if ($site == "bakimda" and $verified_user and $process != "top") { echo "sözlük bakima girmistir. performans sorunlari yasayabilirsiniz... "; } if ($site == "radyo" and $verified_user and $process != "top") { echo "usozluk radyo yayinda... baglanmak i̇cin tiklayin"; } if ($verified_user) { // kontrol $son_zaman = time() - 1800; $sorgu = "delete from online where islem_zamani < $son_zaman"; mysql_query($sorgu); $simdikizaman = time(); if ($verified_kat == "admin") { $gnick = "&$verified_user"; $sorgu = "update online set islem_zamani=$simdikizaman where nick='$gnick'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } else if ($verified_kat == "mod") { $gnick = "+$verified_user"; $sorgu = "update online set islem_zamani=$simdikizaman where nick='$gnick'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } else if ($verified_kat == "gammaz") { $gnick = "$verified_user*"; $sorgu = "update online set islem_zamani=$simdikizaman where nick='$gnick'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } else { $sorgu = "update online set islem_zamani=$simdikizaman where nick='$verified_user'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } } // kayitli online kont if ($process) { if ($process "privmsg" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process
"cp" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process "add" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process
"adm" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process "msjoku" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process
"msjana" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process "yenimsj" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process
"adm" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "onlines" and !$verified_user) { header ("location: logout.php"); die; } if ($_request[kullanici] or $_request[sozluk] or $_request[verified_kat] or $_request[verified_user]) { echo "kurcuklama boşuna, o eskidendi."; die(); } // echo $process; if ($process!="adm") { if (file_exists("inc/$process.php")) { include "inc/$process.php"; } else { if ($_get['q'] and !$process and !$_get['b']) { include "inc/word.php"; } else if (!$_get) { include "inc/word.php"; } else if ($_get['q'] and !$process and $_get['b']="td") { include "inc/word.php"; } else { header("location: sozluk.php? process=word&q=usozluk"); } } } else { if (file_exists("adm/$process.php")) { include "adm/$process.php"; } } if ($process == "word") { function mtime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } $basla = mtime(); for ($i=0; $i < 10000; $i++){ } $bitir = mtime(); echo "
usozluk ahalisi"; echo "
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dipnot: usozluk.com bünyesi; buradaki entry'lerin hepsinden kendilerini yazan yazarlar sorumludur, yemin billah bizim bir suçumuz yok. yazarlardan biri suç işlemişse ispiyonlamada sınır tanımayız. hadi eyvallah..
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"; } } ob_end_flush();
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