1. 51.
    bu kadar basit :

    The Illuminati
    body {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // Countdown Timer

    // configuration
    var month = '12'; // '*' for next month, '0' for this month or 1 through 12 for the month
    var day = '7'; // Offset for day of month day or + day
    var hour = 8; // 0 through 23 for the hours of the day
    var tz = -5; // Offset for your timezone in hours from UTC
    var lab = 'countdownTimer'; // The id of the page entry where the timezone countdown is to show
    // END configuration

    function start() {displayTZCountDown(setTZCountDown(month,day, hour,tz),lab);}

    // Start function can be changed
    window. onload = start;

    // countdownTimer
    function setTZCountDown(month,day, hour,tz)
    var toDate = new Date();
    if (month == '*') {
    toDate. setMonth(toDate. getMonth() + 1);
    } else if (month > 0) {
    if (month <= toDate. getMonth())toDate. setYear(toDate. getYear() + 1);
    toDate. setMonth(month-1);
    if (day. substr(0,1) == '+') {
    var day1 = parseInt(day. substr(1));
    toDate. setDate(toDate. getDate()+day1);
    } else {
    toDate. setDate(day);
    toDate. setHours(hour);
    toDate. setMinutes(0-(tz*60));
    toDate. setSeconds(0);
    var fromDate = new Date();
    fromDate. setMinutes(fromDate. getMinutes() + fromDate. getTimezoneOffset());
    var diffDate = new Date(0);
    diffDate. setMilliseconds(toDate - fromDate);
    return Math. floor(diffDate. valueOf()/1000);
    function displayTZCountDown(countdown, tzcd) {
    if (countdown < 0) {
    document. getElementById("countdownTimer").innerHTML = "Sorry, you are too late.";
    } else {
    var secs = countdown % 60;
    if (secs < 10) {
    secs = '0' + secs;
    var countdown1 = (countdown - secs) / 60;
    var mins = countdown1 % 60;
    if (mins < 10) {
    mins = '0' + mins;
    countdown1 = (countdown1 - mins) / 60;
    var hours = countdown1 % 24;
    var days = (countdown1 - hours) / 24;
    document. getElementById("countdownTimer").innerHTML = days + " day" + (days == 1 ? '' : 's') + ' + ' + hours + 'h : ' + mins + 'm : ' + secs + 's';
    // END countdownTimer
    <div id="countdownTimer">

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