0Poem, compliment, cheeck kiss.
Mouth Kiss, Touch Hair
Music:soft rock, Mouth Kiss, Neck Dip
Go to Kitchen, Fridge, Wine
Drink Wine, Click on chairs to see stars
Get right the questions: google copernicus (center, left), aries (left, middle-top), tri? ngulus (center, middle-left) and sea of tranquillity (center, middle-right)
Flash boobies, Click on terrace table, talk, compliment, eat, drink
Swimming pool, go out from pool (not repeat swimming)
Hot Tub, Mouth Kiss, Wine, Play Truth or Dare
First Truth (you have never f**k on a hot tub), Second (she) Truth (ask whatever you want), Third (you) Dare, Fourth (she) Dare: Undress Top
Here you have two different ends:
Final A:
Dare (you) and Dare (she), undress bottom
Drink wine, french kiss, massage shoulders, grab bubs, lick nipples, massage low back (tummy), massage thights (legs), brab ass, finger
Final B:
Dare (you) and Dare (she), go to a shop dressed only with a towel
You are on the car, click on the towel (she will enter on the shop withou for $20)
Buy snacks, come back to car, beer
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niyet ettim silik yemeye bu muymuş
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hayat artığı spor yapıyor
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efso sac trasi amg
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