1. 76.
    main article: internet meme
    the term "internet meme" refers to a catchphrase or concept that spreads rapidly from person to person via the internet, largely through internet-based email, blogs, forums, imageboards, social networking sites and instant messaging.
    [edit]meme maps

    one technique of meme mapping represents the evolution and transmission of a meme across time and space.[33] such a meme map uses a figure-8 diagram (an analemma) to map the gestation (in the lower loop), birth (at the choke point), and development (in the upper loop) of the selected meme. such meme maps are non-scalar, with time mapped onto the y-axis and space onto the x-axis transect. one can read the temporal progress of the mapped meme from south to north on such a meme map. paull has published a worked example using the "organics meme" (as in organic agriculture).[33]
    robertson (2010) [34] used a second technique of meme mapping to create two-dimensional representations of the selves of eleven participants drawn from both individualist and collectivist cultures. participant narratives were transcribed, segmented and coded using a method similar to grounded theory. coded segments exhibiting referent, connotative, affective and behavioral dimensions were declared to be memes. memes that shared connotative, affective or behavioral qualities were linked. all of the maps in robertson's sample evidenced volition, constancy, uniqueness, production, intimacy, and social interest.
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