0hayir yuzyili sorusu bu bunu yapin gotumu once size sonra esseklere sonra tekrar size gibtircem
write a main function and two functions to compute and print the
elements of a two-dimensional 40x25 integer array a which are square
a square number is a positive integer that is the square of an integer,
in other words, it is the product of some integer with itself.
for example, 25 is a square number since, it can be written as 5*5.
within the main function:
. declare a two-dimensional 40x25 integer array a and initialize
it with random numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive.
. declare also a one-dimensional integer array b with a reasonable
size to hold the elements of the array a which are square numbers.
. pass the arrays a and b to the function1 as arguments and get
the return value(the size of b, the number of square elements
of a stored in b) from the function1.
. pass the array b and the size of b(returned value from the
function1) to the function2 as arguments.
. print the array b.
. print the array b without duplicates (i.e., repeated elements
will be written only once.
within the function1:
. read array a elements and compute and store the square elements
of a into the array b.
. return the size of the array b(the number of the square elements
stored in b) to the main function.
within the function2:
. sort the array b elements in ascending order.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 20 01 2025
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