1. 76.
    -What does 'inci Sözlük' look like?
    -What country are you from?
    -ekşi, ek-..
    -'ekşi' ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in 'ekşi'?
    -English, motherfucker, do you speak it?
    -Yes! Yes!
    -Then you know what I'm sayin'!
    -Describe what 'inci Sözlük' looks like!
    -It's like 'Ekşi'?
    (points gun directly in Liseli's face)
    -Say 'ekşi' again. Say 'ekşi' again.!! I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say 'ekşi' one more Goddamn time!
    -'inci' is black.
    -Go on!
    -'inci' is bald.
    -Does he look like a bitch?
    -Like 'ekşi'..?
    (shoots Liseli in the shoulder, Liseli screams)
    -Does he look … like … a bitch?!
    -Then why'd you try to fuck him like a bitch, Liseli?
    -I didn't!
    -Yes, you did! Yes, you did, Liseli! You tried to fuck him. And 'inci Sözlük' don't like to be fucked by anybody except himself. You read the bible, Liseli?
    (Ezekiel 25:17... Liseli down)
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