1. 451.
    kendisinin kıyafet balosuna doppler etkisi olarak gitmişliği vardır. kimse sheldonun ne olmaya çalıştığını anlayamaz,ve olaylar gelişir*

    --- spoiler ---

    sheldonla tanışmaya çalışan parti kızı: hi
    sheldon: hello
    kız:what are you suppose to be??
    sheldon:me? i'll give you a hand; neeeuuuuuuuuw
    kız: its a choo choo train?
    sheldon: close! ... neeeuuuuuuuuw
    kız: a brain damaged choo choo train??
    (zaman geçer)

    kız: i still don't get it
    sheldon: i am the doppler effect
    kız: fglkgfşdlha

    leonard: why don't you just tell people that you're a zebra?
    sheldon:why don't you tell peoplle that you're one of the seven dwarves??
    leonard: cause i'm frodo..
    sheldo: yes!..well, i'm the doppler effect!
    (birkaç dakika daha sonra)

    penny'nin eski erkek arkadaşı: what are you? a zebra?
    sheldon: ( leonard a) another child left behind
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