1. 76.
    alın beyler 2000 yılında john titor'ın bir sitede konusması ve cern'den bahsediyor , ıcq konusmaları buyrun
    o zaman cern deneylermi vardı

    posted 14 october 2000
    at http://www.anomalies.net/time_traveler/irc.html
    timetravel_0 : as it turns out...
    timetravel_0 : if you encounter a black hole that is spinning and has an electrified field, you will not be killed passing through its massive gravitational fiuelds.
    timetravel_0 : regreting asking yet>
    yareisa : no
    timetravel_0 : ok
    wyrmkin_37 : no
    yareisa : i'm hooked
    timetravel_0 : in about a year...
    g° : is this the omeg point theory?
    g° : omega?
    timetravel_0 : cern will discover some very odd things as a result of their high energy experiments.
    timetravel_0 : in about a year.
    timetravel_0 : from your point of view.
    wyrmkin_37 : cern?
    timetravel_0 : in geneva.
    yareisa : particle accelerator
    wyrmkin_37 : oh
    timetravel_0 : they will accidently create microsingularities.
    g° : makes things go round and hit each other...

    buda site :


    timetravel_0 john titordur.

    bu adam o zaman cern hakkında nasıl böyle bilgilere sahipti ?
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