1. 1.
    bir çeviri yapmam lazım. buraya harika am ferresi var capsliii diye başlık açıp duygularınızla oynamak yerine gerçeği söyledim gösterin inci dayanışmasını. 10 tane ingilizce paragraf çevrilecek. acil lazım. yardım edin. çeviren arkadaşı şuku yağmuruna boğucam. nick altına övgüler şiirler yazıcam. ama gerçekten ingilizceyi çok iyi bilen arkadaşlar çevirsin. google translate çevirisi olmasın. şimdiden teşekkürler.

    önemli: panpalar çevirim pm atacak olanlar atmasın çünkü mesaj bölümü bir çalışıyor bir çalışmıyor. buraya yazarlarsa berhudar olurum.

    1- Homever, ever with the development of computers and robotics, there are and always will be plenty of boring, mindless, repetitive and mechanical jobs in all three sectors of the economy, and lots unskilled people who have to do them.

    2- Most organizations have a hierarchical or pyramidal structure, with one person or a group of people at the top, and an increasing number of people below them at each successive level.

    3-The best form of advertsing is probably word-of-mouth advertising, which occurs when people tell their friends about the benefits of products or services that they have purchased.

    4-Companies wishing to raise more money for expansion can sometimes issue new shares, which are normally affered first to existing shareholders at less than their market price

    5-Every weekday, enormous amounts of commodities, currencies and financial securities are traded for immediate delivery at their current price an spot markets.

    6-A market follower which does not establish its own niche is in a vulnerable position if its product does not have a unique selling propostion there is no reason for anyone to bu it.

    7-in the 1920s, many large American corporations begon, on a wide scale, to establish pension funds, employee stock ownership, life insurance schemes, unemplayment compensation funds limitations on working hours, and high wages

    8- The primary function of taxation is of course to raise revenue to finance goverment expenditure, but taxes can also have other purposes.

    9-Govemments can also encourage capital investment by permitting various metheds of accelerated deprecitin accounting that allow companies to deduct more of the cost of investments from their profits and conseqvently reduce their tax bills.

    10-Companies have a variety of ways of avoiding tax an prafits. They can bring forward capital expenditure (on new factories, machines, and so on) so that at the end of the year all the prafits have been used up; this is known as making a tax loss.
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