0learn how to create .net framework class libraries using c#.
creating components in .net
the components you build in microsoft .net are based on object-oriented programming principles and go beyond the simple classes used in other applications. explore the microsoft .net component architecture, learn how to build .net-based components, create both an in-process component and an out-of-process component in microsoft visual basic .net, and understand how .net objects expose an interface.
microsoft .net and windows xp com+ integration with soap
discover how to expose existing com+ applications over soap by using microsoft windows xp and the .net framework. an accompanying downloadable application helps you follow along by performing the same actions on your computer.
understanding enterprise services (com+) in .net
get technical details behind the integration of microsoft .net and com+ services and the services available to managed code.
make your components really rad with the visual studio .net property browser
get started exploring the visual studio .net property browser and take advantage of its new features for rapid application development (rad), such as metadata attributes, hierarchical support, and graphical value representation.
writing custom designers for .net components
see the features available to create custom designers, how to associate features with components, and how to use features to create great design-time user interfaces.
dhtml and .net: host secure, lightweight client-side controls in microsoft internet explorer
by hosting .net windows forms controls in internet explorer, developers can realize many of their client-side web development goals. this article adapts activex concepts for use with windows forms, and builds a multifile upload application that demonstrates these techniques.
customizing code generation in the .net framework visual designers
learn about the various types of code generation and see how component authors can participate in the code generation process in microsoft .net.
getting the most out of the propertygrid
learn the ins and outs of the propertygrid control and how to customize it for your application
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