1. 1.
    izlemeyen liselier gibtir olup gitsin baştan.

    scarface izleyen kardeşlerim bu diyaloğu hatırlarsınız elbet.

    bu diyalogta sosa'nın anasını avradını bellemiştir.

    "okay, sosa. you want to fuck with me? you're fucking with the best!
    you want to fuck with me? you cockroaches. you want to play games?
    okay, i play with you. you wanna play rough? say hello to my little friend!
    you want to play rough? there! you like that? you want more? you whores!
    cowards! want to fuck with me? go ahead! die! how'd you like that?
    you fucking maricón! you think you can take me? you need a fucking army,
    if you gonna take me! you hear? come on! i take you all to fucking hell!
    who you think you fucking with? i'm tony montana! you fuck with me,
    you fucking with the best!
    i'm still standing.
    come on! i take your fucking bullet!
    come on! i take your fucking bullet!
    you think you kill me with bullets?
    i take your fucking bullets! go ahead!"

    montana reiz bu filmde toplam 184 kere de fuck demiştir. dipnot geçeyim.
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