class AnimalActions:
def quack(self): return self. strings['quack']
def feathers(self): return self. strings['feathers']
def bark(self): return self. strings['bark']
def fur(self): return self. strings['fur']
class Duck(AnimalActions):
strings = dict(
quack = "Quaaaaak!",
feathers = "The duck has gray and white feathers.",
bark = "The duck cannot bark.",
fur = "The duck has no fur."
class Person(AnimalActions):
strings = dict(
quack = "The person imitates a duck.",
feathers = "The person takes a feather from the ground and shows it.",
bark = "The person says woof!",
fur = "The person puts on a fur coat."
class Dog(AnimalActions):
strings = dict(
quack = "The dog cannot quack.",
feathers = "The dog has no feathers.",
bark = "Arf!",
fur = "The dog has white fur with black spots."
def in_the_doghouse(dog):
print(dog. bark())
def in_the_forest(duck):
print(duck. quack())
print(duck. feathers())
def main():
donald = Duck()
john = Person()
fido = Dog()
print("- In the forest:")
for o in ( donald, john, fido ):
print("- In the doghouse:")
for o in ( donald, john, fido ):
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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