+3i'm bleeding in ways of the fire burned
i'm crying in ways of the nightbird
no more is there one to lay by my side
i'm straying in nightmares all the time
a little something i know
a little somewhere i go, reminds me of you
to blossom blue, is to blossom without you
i'm breaking but i cannot bear to
i'm staring but i cannot see you
for no more are you to lay by my side
i'm weeping no more then this second time
a little something i know
a little somewhere i go
where the sweet waters flow, reminds me of you
a little something i know
a little somewhere i go
where the sweet waters flow
where the mistletoes grow, reminds me of you
to blossom blue, is to blossom without you
düşünsenize o kadar galaksi
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 26 12 2024
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ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 27 12 2024
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