0Stuttgart-Hohenheim (also known simply as Hohenheim) is a quarter of Plieningen, one of the 18 outer districts of Stuttgart, the state capital of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Hohenheim is famous for Hohenheim Palace built in 1782 by Duke Karl Eugen of Württemberg, today the site of Stuttgart's oldest university, the University of Hohenheim.
After the duke had acquired the former manor of the Hohenheim noble family - with Philipp von Hohenheim called Paracelsus as its most notable member - in 1768, he gave it to his mistress Franziska Leutrum von Ertingen, including the title of a Reichsgräfin von Hohenheim. From 1772 Karl Eugen had the manor house rebuilt as a water castle surrounded by an extended English garden featuring several midget replicas of historic buildings, an arboretum and numerous exotic plants. The construction of the present-day palace started in 1782 but discontinued with the duke's death in 1793.
In 1818 King William I of Württemberg established an agricultural school at Hohenheim, the predecessor of the nowadays university. Today the gardens comprise the Landesarboretum Baden-Württemberg and the Botanischer Garten der Universität Hohenheim.
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