remember the game last year about what color bra you were wearing at the moment? the purpose was to increase awareness of october breast cancer awareness month. it was a tremendous success and we had men wondering for days what was with the colors and ... it made it to the news. this year's game has to do with your handbag/purse, where we put our handbag the moment we get home for example "i like it on the couch", "i like it on the kitchen counter", "i like it on the dresser" well u get the idea. just put your answer as your status with nothing more than that and cut n paste this message and forward to all your fb female friends to their inbox. the bra game made it to the news. let's see how powerful we women really are!!! remember - do not put your answer as a reply to this message- put it in your status!!! pass this to everyone you know"
remember: don't tell any men!!!
yani işin heycanı i like it on the floor diyorsun erkeklerde oyhş diye boşalıyor. ama bizim kızlarımız ana sütü kadar ak olduklarından kendilerine göre ceviriyorlar dolayısıyla da harbiden anlamsız oluyor
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ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 05 02 2025
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evet ben incelim
donanım haber den
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