/i/Yabancı Dil

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
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    +1 -1
    The first thing I want to ask you is why do you want to speak English,for your job or you like to speak. Whatever, my day was same as usual. I woke up early and had breakfast. And then I read a book whose name is \'Baştan Çıkarma Sanatı\'. If you really like to read book, I can highly recommend it. When I finished reading the book, I went out to balcony to take a fresh breath. Then I created a project with Arduino uno by using temoa
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      "why DO YOU... " olacak orası. soru sormuyorsun orada. şayet soru soruyo olsan soru işareti olur zaten ki o da yanlış olur burada. senin yazdığının doğru olması için soru sorman lazım. o da bu kalıpta olmaz. cümleleri ayırman lazım.
      For exp: I wanna ask you sth. Why do you wanna speak English? Is it because of your job or you just like to speak it?
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