0New from Harvard Health
Protect your memory by adding to your "brain bank"
Have you become more forgetful over the years? Rest assured that the minor memory lapses that occur with age are not usually signs of a serious neurological disorder, such as Alzheimer’s disease, but rather the result of normal changes in the... Read more »
10 ways to beat high blood pressure with food
Altering your diet to control cholesterol makes perfect sense. Doing it to control blood pressure doesn’t seem quite so straightforward. Yet food can have a direct effect on blood pressure, according to the October 2010 issue of the Harvard... Read more »
Are there radiation risks from medical imaging?
Computed tomography (CT) scans and nuclear imaging have revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of many conditions and have almost eliminated the need for once-common exploratory surgery. But will we pay a price—more cases of... Read more »
CPR: Simpler to do than you think
While everything else in this world seems to be getting more complicated, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) keeps on getting simpler, reports the October 2010 issue of the Harvard Health Letter. Remember old-fashioned CPR? You were supposed to... Read more »
Protecting teens from overexposure to violent video games
American homes are increasingly besieged by menacing zombies, invading aliens, and threatening criminals. The fact that these beings exist only on-screen—as characters in popular video games—may be small comfort to parents concerned... Read more »
Salt increases risk of heart attack and stroke
The sodium in salt is responsible for more than 100,000 American deaths a year, about three times more than prostate cancer. Most of the salt Americans consume is hidden away in processed foods, a key reason that most of us take in much more sodium... Read more »
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