jack: i've been flying a lot.
kate: what?
jack: yeah that golden pass that they gave us. i, i've been using it. every friday night i, i fly from la to tokyo or, singapore, sydney. [laughs] and then i, i get off and i, have a drink, and then i fly home.
kate: why?
jack: because i wanted to crash, kate. i don't care about anybody else on board. every little bump we hit or turbulence, i mean i, i actually close my eyes and i pray that i can get back.
[kate looks near tears as does jack]
kate: this is not gonna change.
jack: no i'm sick of lying. we made a mistake.
kate: i have to go. he's gonna be wondering where i am...
[jack grabs her]
jack: we were not supposed to leave.
kate: yes we were.
[she releases herself]
kate: goodbye, jack.
[she heads for her car]
jack: we have to go back, kate.
jack: we have to go back!!
[a plane takes off over jack's head]