
Kendini ifade et !
  1. 1.

    1 ruhumuzun canlanmasi isimli bir kitap literaturde yok. sadece azeri kaynaklar boyle bir kitabin varligindan bahsetse de herhangi bir isbn kaydi yok. yani yazilmamis.

    2 azeriler kitabin icinde gecen sozleri ermenilerle aralarindaki karabag husumeti ile ilgili bir kara propaganda olarak ortaya atmis

    3 iddia bazisi turk olmak uzere farkli otoritelerce incelenmis ve boyle bir kitabin olmadigi, adi gecen yazarin da boyle birsey yapmadigina kanaat getirilmis

    4 kitabi yazdigi soylenen kisi de hem kitabi yazdigini hem de boyle birsey yaptigini kabul etmemis

    5 ermeni de olsa turk de olsa hepimiz ayni duygu mantik vicdan ve ahlaki degerlere sahibiz. hic kimse bunu yapacak kadar insanliktan cikamaz.

    6 bunu yapan dag koylerinden bir ermeni koylusu desek neyse, ama bahsettigimiz adam tahsilli medeni bir adam.

    netice olarak, yalanlarla dolanlarla faydasiz ve sonucsuz bir mucadeleye girmeyin (mucadele de denmez ya). direk gercek somut politik gercekler uzerinden konusun. mesela karabag azerilerindir diyin. karabagdaki ermeniler isgalcidir diyin.


    zori balayan'in iddalara cevabi;

    How stupid one should be to torture his people with false announcements! It transpires that the Azerbaijanis are very skillful in this. They do not spare Azerbaijani readership and portrait horrific scenes trampling common ethics.

    To make sure one can only search for "revival of our spirit" phrase on the Internet and find numerous Azerbaijani websites where our neighbors post descriptions of inhuman deeds ascribing them to Armenian writer and publicist Zori Balayan.

    After 15 years of futile efforts to find inhuman actions on part of the Armenian freedom fighters, Azeris have decided to accuse Armenians of made-up cruelties. Many Azeri internet sources allegedly quote the words of Zori Balayan from his "The Revival of Our Spirit" book: "… but only an Armenian whose heart was pulled out and thrown into the fire can feel proud and satisfied reading these lines.

    "When Khachatur and I went down to the basement where they were kept our soldiers had already a child hammered to a window frame by his elbows… Then I did to this 13 years old Turk what his ancestors did to our children… He died of hemorrhage in 7 minutes… Khachatur hacked his body and threw pieces to dogs…" Citing this extract from our cruel neighbor’s unhealthy fantasy we want to calm Azeri readers down saying: "The above is a fable of your countrymen. Zori Balayan has never published such a book." It’s also silly to mention the place and date of publication and the pages of the quotes (Vanadzor, 1996, pages 260-262) to ring true.

    Zori Balayan, who is currently aboard "Cilicia" sailing vessel, wrote a letter. "Many people call me these days asking whether I have a book published in Vanadzor and titled ‘The Revival of Our Spirit’. The question is that for already two years people come across this dirty disinformation, this perfect nonsense, to put it mildly, which is said to be a sentence from my non-existing book. I want to say that authors of these false quotes do not understand that first of all they discredit their own people.

    "I demand that those entitled to protect writers’ rights by investigating such cases to show the readers the book that was quoted. I am sure that the human rights are not a hollow sound but a necessary reality of our life and it has to be protected."

    edit2: ceviriyi yapan kisinin azeri oldugunu su cumlelerden anliyoruz;

    "Başından, sinesinden ve karnından"
    "intikdıbını aldığım için sevinçten gururlanırdı."
    "ruhumuzun dün gördüğü kirden temizlenmesi"
    Tümünü Göster
    1. 1.
      Kurtlar olur çobanların koyunu,
      itten öğrenirse kendi soyunu.
      Azerilik Komünizmin oyunu.
      Azeri değiliz, Türk oğlu Türk'üz! (Bahtiyar VAHAPZADE)ermeni de olsa turk de olsa hepimiz ayni duygu mantik vicdan ve ahlaki degerlere sahibiz. hic kimse bunu yapacak kadar insanliktan cikamaz mı sence Nazi doktorları da akıllı tahsilli adamlar ama ... Demek ki tahsil yetmiyor.
    2. 2.
      yeter yeter, nazi doktorlari bile cok daha agir bir surecten gectigi halde, muthis travmalar yasadigi halde, bu kadar ileri gitmediler. yok agzina meme tikamis yok civilemis. o cocuk bi kere acidan bayilirdi. ana damarlari kesmedigi surece de olmesi yedi dakikadan cok daha uzun surer. neresinden tutsan elinde kaliyor yani.
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