+5 -3Yeah, everyone is educated eventually, while in real life some people either just can't make it to high level diploma, or want money fast and go to work instead! Into a bakery / forestry or something. Or maybe they are in low residential caffees selling caffee...
In any case, there could be more scientific forestry, too. Not just tree farms etc.
Though, I guess reprocessing the woods causes pollution, which is more about the normal industry...
Yes, I tried forestry too, but huge "not enough workers" everywhere. But I will increase high density buildings somewhere a lot, and tune down new forest industry zones for now. -
0Sonuna kadar okudum bir de işsiz gibi
apo çıkınca suikast düzenlesem
facia28 ne haber eski dost
560 bin lirası olan adam 560 bini olmadan önce
gece yatmadan 8 haşlama yumurta ve 1 litre süt
şu an elinizde 1 milyon adet nükleer başlık olsa
magradan ciktim en son kacinci nesil geldi
bu devirde sünnet olup askere giden
şu fikirlerden hangisi tutar sizce
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