+2 -2Do you ever wish that you weren't a prisoner?
Do you feel like you're done?
All the dreams you had are hard to remember
Well, you're not the only one
Well it's over, it's over, it's over
I won't be pushed around
Move over, move over, move over
Get back or just get out
Set this plane up in flames
It's over, it's over, it's over
It's time to burn it down
This one goes to the castaways
Who break their backs slaving every day
All these things I can do without
Gotta burn it down, burn it down
Burn it down, burn it down
Burn it down, burn it down
Burn it down, burn it down
Do you ever feel your colors are fading
Like your world might combust
Do the voices in your head make you crazy
When they're the only ones you trust
Well it's over, it's over, it's over
I won't be pushed around
Move over, move over, move over
Get back or just get out
Set this plane up in flames
It's over, it's over, it's over
It's time to burn it down
This one goes to the castaways
Who break their backs slaving every day
All these things I can do without
Gotta burn it down, burn it down
Burn it down, burn it down
Burn it down, burn it down
It's over, it's over, it's over
Move over, move over, move over
It's over, it's over, it's over
I won't be pushed around
Move over, move over, move over
Burn it down, burn it down
This one goes to the castaways
Who break their backs slaving every day
All these things I can do without
Gotta burn it down, burn it down
Burn it down, burn it down
(I won't be pushed around)
Burn it down, burn it down
(Get back or just get out)
Burn it down, burn it down
(I won't be pushed around)
Burn it down, burn it down
(Get back or just get out)
Burn it down, burn it down
560 bin lirası olan yazar botmuş
sen ukraynaya gittiğinde
baltacı hüseyinin yeğeni sabri
bu adam 600 bine ulaşınca nabıcaz
560 binin çaylak açılmış
gran torino saç capsi at
kara elmas diyince aklınıza ne geliyor
çaylak yediği sözlüğü satın aldı patron oldu
560k çaylak yedi diye sövüyor modlara
milletin babası oğlunu
kayrayı bıçaklasan hiç etki etmez
sözlüğü satın al kral
selam pijler rusya dayim soruları alayım
560 bin lirasi olan çaylak
sözlüğün en gereksiz üyeleri tam liste
hiiiiii hasta oldum reissss
millet asgariye laf ediyor benim mayış 12500
kamil dolardaki bu serd yükseliş
ben dünyaya gelmeyi seçmedim
hayatım doğu avrupada geçti
millet yılbaşında sevgilisiyle
2025 planlarım
asya ülkeleri vize şartı getirirse 560 bin
ben bu hayatı yasayamadim
asgari ücret sonunda açıklandı
dünyanın en iyi üniversitesi harvard ve
kızlar ince çorapla geziyor hasta olmuyor
meladi niye didos atıyon la
yargıtaydan işid militanlarına özel af
19 aralık 2024 inci sözlük rezaleti
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