0Wrong statement instead of "wanna see" should use "want to know".Alright calm down man i know it's not an art gallery or government building,and i know there is no need to be "formal".Still if you choose wrong way to express your feelings, thoughts,motives people would/could/want not to understand you.Don't look at me like that it's the golden rule of communication,art of the speech. Therefore you should focus more on "improvising" your vocabulary, sentences (not grammar),and fluidity. Nobody (that includes the big-titted hot blonde you wanna bang) likes the guy who takes a break often. Doesn't mean you shall not think what you say but the "flow" must be right there otherwise they would seem you "incapable" and would not "waste time on" you.
Fucker you just have stolen 5 minutes from me-self.And fuck my life.
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