-1Namı değer Dima reis.
Bf3'ün sondan bir önceki görevin de yaptığı efsane konuşma hala kulaklarımda yankılanır.
Dima: Do not do anything stupid. This piece of shit right there stole three nuclear devices from Russia, and sold it to a man called Solomon. Solomon's using the PLR. He has at least two targets: New York and Paris. He's using public transit to move the weapons. He's going to detonate the New York device in Times Square very soon. …This cannot happen. We can avert war between our nations. Just two of us. No politicians, no money changing hands. Just two soldiers speaking the truth. Help me. Help me to do this. That's it, I have to leave now. You don't shoot him, millions will die. Remember, do whatever you have to do to stop Solomon's plan.
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