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    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
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    +17 -6
    + Komünist misin ?
    - Evet
    + Komünist Manifesto ya da Das Kapital okudun mu ?
    - EVET
    + Türkçülüğe düşman mısın ?
    - EVET
    + Atsız'ın bir makalesini okudun mu ?
    - EVET
    + Komünizm neden gerekli ?
    - Çünkü ekonomik eşitsizlikler sadece komünizm ile ortadan kaldırılabilir ve diyalektik materyalizmin sonucu komünizm olacaktır.
    + Osmanlı'da da ekonomik eşitsizlik yoktu
    - vardı amk salağı osmanlı vergiler ile halkı süründüren bir hanedanın halkı egmeenliği altına aldığı bir devletti bundan kötüsü olamaz.
    + Ülkücüler hakkında ne düşünüyorsun ?
    - Hepsi Faşist
    + Faşizm hakkında ne biliyorsun ?
    - Faşizm ekonomik, sosyal hayat ve yönetim konusunda pek çok doktrini olan bir ideolojidir. miliyetcilik her zaman bulunur, vatanseverlik boyutunda olabilir veya ırkçılığa kadar varabilir. komünizmin ters ideolojisidir ve faşistlere her zaman düşmanız.
    + Nazım Hikmet mi iyi bir şair Atsız mı ?
    - Tabi ki Nazım Hikmet
    + Neden ?
    - Çünkü Atsız bir faşist
    + Atsız'ın herhangi bir şiirini okudun mu ?
    - Evet. Kitabını da okudum. Görüşlerimiz uymuyor adamın edebi dili oldukça güçlü fakat okurken acı cektiriyor bana ideolojisi. geri dönen mektupa laf edemem ama.
    + Sovyetler Birliği neden yıkıldı ?
    - Destalinizasyon ile başlayan revizyonizm, sovyetlerin özünü kaybetmesina yol açtı. soğuk savaşta harcanan gereksiz paralar, yanlış ekonomik planlamalar ve Stalin dönemindeki gelişimin yaşanmaması, sovyetlerin bilişim devrimini kaçırması, vsvs
    + Eşcinsellik hakkında ne düşünüyorsun ?
    - Eşcinsellik özgürlüktür, fakat ben karşıyım(bu kişiseldir karşıyım ben ama özgürlüktür karışmam herkesin kendi hayatı)
    + Che Guevara'nın eşcinselleri toplama kamplarına kapattığını biliyor muydun ?
    - Hayır. bu iddiaya bir cevap:
    This question has been addressed time and again, and needs to be definitively done away with. It is one of the most hurtful, and destructive, pieces of propaganda launched against the cuban revolution, designed to isolate it from the more progressive parts of western society.

    Quite simply, the answer is "No!". Che did NOT kill gays, or AIDS sufferers.

    The camps and actions towards homosexuals referred to above are a confused mixture of a few things.

    First, in the mid sixties, the Cuban military set up the UMAPs (Units to Aid Military Production). These were designed to contain homosexuals, drug users, dissenters and other "undesirables" who it was deemed ought not serve in the army. This period was one of heightened danger in Cuba, following the Bay of Pigs, and the Missile Crisis. Nevertheless, these camps were clearly a violation of the civil rights of the Cubans it affected. Fidel agreed- as soon as he learned of the details of these camps, he fought to have them closed, which they were, after a period of functioning of a total (about) 2 years.

    The AIDS problem arrived in Cuba as a result of the involvement in Angola during the eighties, when Cuban troops helped defeat Apartheidt South Africa and liberate Angola and Namibia.
    Returning soldiers brought the disease, and passed it on to their families, and to prostitutes and other members of the community.
    In order to prevent a wide-scale epidemic, those cubans affected by the virus were transfered to sanitariums, where they were treated and research conducted towards finding a cure. Inevitably some of these people were gays, but the vast majority were heterosexual. The sanitariums themselves were non-restrictive- residents were allowed to travel outside, work and recreate, and were educated on AIDS/HIV and treated- for free. At first they were accompanied out by staff of the sanitarium, to assure they were not passing on the virus to the community, but eventually they were allowed to go out alone, and some left completely. The quality of the accommodation was on a par with a 3 or 4 star hotel.
    As it became clear that AIDS could not be easily cured, and that the education system had made the general population aware of the risks, it was decided that the sanitariums were no longer necessarily the best way of dealing with the problem, and the people were sent home.
    Aids is still a problem in Cuba, but due to the early action to prevent it's spread- a cmbination of physical limitations and maximum education, it is far less than in the rest of Latin America.

    Pandora, I assume you mean Bolivia, not "Belize".
    More importantly, I would like to know what you base your slanderous comments about Raul upon. What you have written about him is all but 100% lies and slander. You got his name right, but thta's about it, and I suggest doing some real research instead of repeating the filth churned out by the worms in Miami.
    Similarly with your claims about prisoner abuse after the Bay of Pigs. These are the lies of the same monsters who were responsible for the torture and murder of thousands of Cubans before the revolution, and for the 46 years of terrorism and over 3,500 deaths from their acts to destroy the revolution and all it stands for. If it has been "proved" that these things took place, please show us where this "proof" is, so that we may view it critically ourselves.

    Similarly to Tim, unfortunately Castaneda is far from a reliable source. He has a tendency to make things up that make himself look bigger than life, and his book is full of lies and innaccuracies.

    Fidel's homophobia is certainly famous, if you don't know anything about Fidel. In fact, Fidel has been leading the fight against homophobia in Cuba for years. While it is true that homophobia exists in Cuba, it is far less than in the rest of Latin America, which suffers from an excess of "machismo" culture. Cuba has express laws against not only homophobia, but racism and sexism, including the Codigo de Familia, which makes it law for men to do half the housework.
    Unfortunately, the collapse of the Soviet Bloc brought about an immense recession in Cuba, and throughout the "Special Period" an alarming increase in racism, sexism and homophobia took place, along with a widening of the gap in income disparity. These have all been consciously and vigourously combatted, not least by Fidel and Raul (who, like his brother, is not the son of a gun, but the son of an immigrant Galician). These biases and social problems, like AIDS, still exist in Cuba, but are consciously being fought by the government, neighbourhood groups, community organisations and the Communist Party.

    I am not at all surprised that you find it hard to reconcile the image of Che as a compassionate socialist with the reports of torture, murder and labour camps. You should not be surprised, then, to discover that the reports are not true, but are the propaganda of the Miami mobsters and counter-revolutionaries.
    + Hümanist misin ?
    - Evet, hayır, yani, bilmem. insana değer veririm ama.
    + Stalin 23 milyon,Mao 90 milyon insanı öldürmüştür, biliyor muydun ?
    (bkz: josef stalin e atılan iftiralara cevaplar)
    Tümünü Göster
    1. 1.
      işte entry de asıl bu olmalıydı zaten che nin eşcinselleri kamplara kapattığının belgesi yok olmayan bir şeyin var olmadığını ispatlamak gereksiz boşver onu ben sadece bu enty girenin cahil beynine acıyorum
    2. 2.
      Güzel copy-paste
    3. 3.
      Güzel kopyala yapıştır büyük ihtimalle orada yazanların yarısını anlamışsındır
    4. 4.
      Güzel kopyala yapıştır büyük ihtimalle orada yazanların yarısını anlamışsındır
      1. 1.
        Herkes kopyala yapıştır demiş. Che dışındaki her iddianamede cevap verdim. Bunun hakkında yorum yaomamissin. Chenin homofobikligi konusunda bilgim yoktu buradaki yanıtı da tatmin edici buldum ve Ctrl v yaptım nesi yanlış bunun? Asıl ikiyüzlülük yapan sensin
    5. 5.
      @1 den iyi
    6. diğerleri 3
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