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    dialectical materialism is a cornerstone of marxist philosophy, based on the laws of dialectics and built by karl marx on the basis of dialectic philosophy of hegel and feuerbach and material philosophy books around a lot of books, most books about stalin. the basis of dialectical philosophy is that it is a thought that is the product of material and the article is not the product of thought, consider the product of human material from his mind and not the product of human thought, is what philosophers deny idealists.
    [edit] explanation of dialectical materialism

    materialists believe that priority shall be either idealists they think the priority of thought or spirit. e materialists rely on scientific research, which denies the demise of article the idealists some say that the article does not exist, but are a reflection of human consciousness and thus does not exist the materialists say that the rule exists independently of human consciousness and identify the material all feel it all five senses while say idealists that reflect the perceptions of the human senses in which human consciousness is not in fact independent of this awareness is what is called the conflict between the materialist philosophy and other philosophies of idealism. that idealism attempt to explain the presence from the bug for foreign affairs, and the physical presence is a reflection of greater awareness and therefore, the physical presence is different for the existence of "spiritual" or "immaterial" that this concept is that the physical presence of residents and the creature and trajectory by the "thought" or " consciousness. " that material philosophy is opposed to this scenario and stresses the importance of physical presence in advancing and the generation of thought and consciousness. that consciousness is a reflection of the material and not vice versa.

    marx the pair feuerbach static material with hegel's ideal of historical and new baby came out so-called dialectical materialism is a purely material means all sense of the word, but believe in evolution according to the laws of dialectics and the three are:
    denial denials
    unit conflict of contradictions
    transformation of quantity into quality
    dialectical materialism denies that the material has been created from scratch and denies that it can be denied the article and the scientific research in the beginning, where he was evidenced by the law of conserving study energy and darwin's theory to prove their words, but became the law of lavoisier is taught in the universities and the law of lavoisier attributed to the world of french lavoisier states that article do not create from scratch do not die but transformed from one form to another, a law which is still installed until the present day, where it has been reached to a depth of corn, kernel corn did not prove the possibility of yard material is still up to the present day all schools, students learn the material in the interaction is equal to material emerging from interaction, where all that science still stand by the philosophy of materialism.
    that marx is that history is the history of class struggle, which is considered the main engine of history. that what he calls bannaealfoki which is the political systems, social values, and religions, is a reflection of the reality of class and material of the pension. this trend is consistent with the physical interpretation of history with the contradictory tendency ideal for the interpretation of the latter. the heart of marx's dialectic of hegel "upside down". dialectical materialism that rely primarily on the concept of perpetual motion "self" does not need to any external drive is incompatible with the classical static material, which is that the idea is the static reflection of the material. from this standpoint, the dialectical materialism denies the need for initial engine of the universe and life. the evolutionary theory of darwin and modern biological theories validate dialectical materialism.
    that theories of postmodernism, which emphasizes the importance of "chkassanip knowledge" and cast doubt on objectively-defined challenge of dialectical materialism, but at the same time challenging the foundations of knowledge. dialectical materialism that emphasizes the objectivity of existence and the possibility of independent study through observation and testing. lenin had warned later that the ultimate weapon in the hands of imperialism and capitalism is the epistemology of knowledge that will work on the demolition of the theoretical basis of knowledge because of its failure to win the battle with the philosophical and logical dialectical materialism and historical materialism.
    [edit] see also

    marxist philosophy
    karl marx
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