
  1. 126.
    Lying won't get you anywhere dipshit. Here's your answer:
    Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability or is below the legal age of consent.

    It says "PENETRATION". Do you know what penetration means? If you do- then why the fuck are you wasting my fucking time you LIAR!

    Go and learn some proper English.
    1. 1.
      ben sözlük anlamı mı dedim aq YASAya göre neler rape sayılıyo dedim. bak yasa diyorum o istatistikler ona dayalı hesaplanıyo ama istersen sözlük anlamından yap sen haneye tecavüzü falan da sexual harrasment say
    2. 2.
      Hala konuşuyonmu lan cahil. Kıvırta kıvırta dansöz oldun amk.
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