
Derdini anlatmayan derman bulamaz..
  1. 276.
    Bu acıyı paylaşmak için ulusallaştırdım ;
    selamun aleykum beyler

    today i found a gold coin while i was planting saplings , and i dig it, suddenly i flew with joy

    i was going to jewelry store to exchange ,however,
    the scales fell from my eyes

    i remembered that ;
    before 13-14 years ago , My brother and me, in Our
    circumcision celebration (smth like a wedding). I was sad because they gave more gold coins compared to me. I even cried ,when he saw me while crying, He gave me his 1 coin , it was golden and it was shining like sun, and i buried it to our garden to spendt it in my free times. I was child. it was dumbish i know, and i forgot that golden coin there

    Suddenly i ran and i jumped into bus, I went to my brother's grave, i sitted down and started to tell it,Finally i dig out a bit and i buried it to his grave because he is not mine anymore, he belongs to his real owner, I came to house, go to take a shower, and cried for hours, Guys it is so hard to lose someone you love , Please know the value of the people you love, Otherwise you will be regret then,
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