-1I've watched a couple months ago the movie "straight outta compton" and it was hilarious. I highly recommend to you it's worth to watch every second of it. I didn't listen nwa till that time and the movie made me curious about the group then i listen them and they are really good and normally i am not a rap listener, though i like eminem but yes nwa is a legend. Yanlış kelimeler olabilir kusura bakmayın burdan muhabbet etsek güzel çalışma olur.
+1tmm kardesim konusalım guzel olur bencede (benide mazur gor yanlıs olursa :D)
Yea man ı saw the movıe too although ı knew the group ı dıdnt know that much aboutt them and after that ı made some research listen to most of theır tracks and then ı understood that (ın my opınıon)they were the wildest and arguably best gangsta rap group ever. -
-1Çok yazmişsin cugu
0Niye cuguluyorsunki muhabbet ediyoruz adamla :D
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