The nearest black hole to the Earth is thought to be V4641 Sagittarii. Originally thought to be 1600 light years away from Earth, it's now thought to be 24000 light years away from Earth. This comes out to roughly 1.5 billion times the distance from the Earth to the Sun, or 22,300,000,000,000,000 miles. This is pretty far away.
Black holes "suck things in" by gravitational force. The same force that keeps you on the ground is therefore the same force that keeps people from floating off the ground. So if you were to replace the sun with a black hole with the exact same mass, the Earth would keep orbiting it as though nothing changed - although there would obviously be a fairly noticeable difference in how things operated on the planet itself. Panicking would likely be a bit of an issue, followed by everything dying.
So let's say, for purposes of illustration, that V4641 Sagittarii has a mass equal to that of the sun. The sun has a mass of about 1.99 nonillion (that's a 1 followed by thirty zeros) kilograms. This causes the Earth to accelerate towards the sun at a rate of 0.006 meters per second per second (not a typo). This is like going from 0 to 60 mph in an hour and fifteen minutes. This is just enough for us to always curve towards the sun, but stay roughly the same distance away from it at all times.
Our theoretical version of V4641 Sagittarii has the same mass, but is much, much further away. If the Earth and the black hole were the only two objects in the universe, the Earth would accelerate towards the black hole at a rate of 0.000000000000000000003 meters per second per second - 0 to 60 in only 309,000,000,000,000 years. Keep in mind, the universe is only 15,000,000,000 years old. Also remember: there are other items in the galaxy that are much closer to us than 24,000 light years - Alpha Centauri is the nearest star at 4.3 light years* and we're accelerating towards it at a rate of about 0.00000000000009 meters per second per second, so whatever gravitational effect our theoretical black hole has is going to be pretty much canceled out by many, many other objects in the night sky.
But what if the black hole were bigger? The largest black hole found has a mass 21 billion times that of the sun. How does that change things? Well, our acceleration now comes out to 0.000000000023 meters per second per second - zero to sixty in 50,819 years. This is a stronger pull than Alpha Centauri's by a factor of about 260, but it's still going to be drowned out by various other objects in the night sky.
You might have noticed that I haven't at any point stated how long it might take to get to this black hole. This is because the math gets complicated. Let's say you were to be kept in a fixed position a meter away from the singularity of that massive black hole. If you were to ask Isaac Newton how fast you would accelerate towards it once the fasteners were removed, he'd tell you that you'd be accelerating at 2,920,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 meters per second per second. However, this ignores the Theory of Relativity, which states that the fastest you can actually go is about 300,000,000 meters per second, which is to say that there's no way you're accelerating like that Newtonian figure would seem to imply.
But let's briefly suppose you take away that universal speed limit (and everything in the universe besides Earth and the black hole). The average acceleration between where we are now and a meter from where V4641 is now would be 13,000,000,000 meters per second per second and the trip would take two days. Of course, by this same logic, the trip to Alpha Centauri would take 4071 days. In short, you need to be really, really, really massive to move stuff around in space.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, by the way, V4641 Sagittarii actually has a mass about ten times that of the sun. The Earth will be swallowed by the sun in about 7.4 billion years. This pretty much means that the Earth will not be swallowed by V4641 Sagittarii, and that one was probably the best bet.
Any way you slice it, if the Earth does fall into a black hole, you will have been dead for a very, very long time, so if anyone's trying to sell you black hole insurance, here's one reason (among many) why you might want to consider keeping your money.
Alpha Centauri is actually a triple star system. Right now, let's deal with the biggest of three stars, Alpha Centauri A.
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