1. 51.
    öyle cv mi olur cahil pic. al sana inglizce cv örnegi. gibine göre degistir yolla, kesin ise alinirsin. almazlarsa sende bir tuhaflik var, intihar et :

    My career has led me to specialize increasingly in the management of complex multi-cultural projects and their staffs at international levels. I have experience in: strategic forward-planning; operating within the tight financial disciplines imposed by ambitious budgets which I have helped to plan; methodical administration to deadlines (not to speak of crisis management where necessary); and the application of modern leadership methods (through staff motivation and involvement in both decision-making and target-setting, clarity in communication, and easy personal inter-relations). My own cosmopolitan background and analytical interests in other cultures, together with a command of several European languages, have also left me confident in handling negotiations that require the reconciliation of different national approaches to otherwise common problems.
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