1. 51.
    ---çevrilmiş metin---

    After completing my primary and secondary education in different cities due to my father's duty on state service, I graduated from xxx anatolian high school in 2000. Same year, having been succesful in university entrance exam, I started my university education in xxx university xxx faculty of engineering. After working in different part-time jobs in my first years of university education, I was employed by xxx company as sales consultant in 2004. having been recessed my education due to financial problems in this process I worked for the same company in different possitions for five years. throughout the all period i was working, I succesfully completed different certification processes in areas such as; finance mathematics, basic law, brand equity and vehicle technique.

    I am planning to complete my university education in near future.

    ---çevrilmiş metin---

    not: ingilizce mütercim-tercümanlık öğrencisiyim, güvenebilirsin.

    edit: ayrıca alttaki adam haklı.
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