0Sana çeviriyorum ama bilmediğim kelimeleri sözlükten bakmak yerine olduğu gibi bırakıyorum sen korsun.
Since my father is devlet memuru i completed my primary and second educations in different cities. After i graduated in 2000 from xxx anatolian high school, in the same year by getting success in universty exams i started my university education in faculty of xxx in xxx universty. In first years at univ. i worked as part-time worker and so in 2004 i was employed in xxx as satış danışmanı. Due to economical reasons in this process i had to break off my education and for 5 years i had worked in same company for different positions. The time i worked for the company, i accomplished some ceritifaction process such as financial math. Hukuk marka değerleri and araç tekniği.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 13 02 2025
mentalcel ve bakircan gibiler tedavi olmaz
reçel tahsin er
hadi keloğlan parmaklıklarıı sosiss gibi sen mi
berat kandili ne ya
şimdı yatıyorum
erdal özyağcılarr
resim yüklenmiyorken daha iyiydi
naranay naranay naranay naranay
2 dakkalık isi saatlerce ugrasan
en kolay para kazanma yöntemleri 3 adet
yakışıklısın diye işten atacaklardı aq
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