/i/Yabancı Dil

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    Oğuz Atay (October 12, 1934 inebolu, Kastamonu - 13 December 1977 in Istanbul ) is a Turkish writer.
    His father , VI. VII period , Sinop VIII. Period Kastamonu deputy Cemil Atay are made ​​. Ankara College in 1951 with its current name Ankara Maarif College , also in 1957. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University. Three Years Later iDMMA Istanbul State Engineering and Architecture Academy , Inc. ( Current Yildiz Technical University) was a lecturer in the Department of Construction . 1975 associate with Atay also wrote a book named topography professional . Articles in various magazines newspaper interview we 've published. Oguz Atay , after the publication of the Tutunamayanlar in 1971-72 , was the focus of considerable debate from other countries . This novel won the 1970 Award for his novel TRT .
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