
Kendini ifade et !
  1. 151.
    ayni sey mi soyledigin, gerizekali bu cocuk, sevmiyorum,arkadasta degilim ama zutten veriyorum,ne yapacagimi bilmiyorum diye baslik acan sensin,ben de ana bildigin biseyi soyleyip vermeye devam et et,rahatlarsin diyorum
    1. 1.
      I'll give you the explanation in english this time since you did not seem to be capable of understanding what you have been told in turkish...

      I did not say that I don't love; I said I am madly in love ...
      I said we are not friends, because we are more than friends !!! "We are not friends" does not imply lack of communication or social relations, but implies being more than friends.

      What do you do when your any of your friend has relationship problem ? Do you tell her/him "go do what you know best, get yourself fucked" ?
      1. 1.
        i would definetly say that u go and fuck urself,i got no idea, what the fuck are u doing here?do u think,you are going to find some solution of ur problems in here? Guess not.so,why dont u go and have some more fun.. anal sex is not too bad as long as u r enjoying it.have a good time there
      2. 2.
        Nope, I don't expect to find any solution here. I injured my ankle, can't walk properly... So I share whatever is in my mind here to waste time...
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