
''Tarih bir meslektir, bir hobi, gevezelik, anekdot ya da asparagas değildir.'' (Pierre Goubert)
  1. 51.
    Screw it ! I am going to five blades !
    Does it matter if I put this in my jug or not ? Get it ? Jug or not ?
    I am the Juggernaut, bitch!
    It's not the size of the sword Sven, it is how you use it.
    Bladefuuuuuuryy !
    Ya, ya ya ya ya.
    My sword has tasted better.
    You have summoned the Juggernaut.
    Blame my blade.
    There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity.
    I accept your death.
    Battlefury, meet my bladefury.
    Never will you see my face.
    Nice mask they said. What Mask ?!
    Each blow sharpens my blade.
    Although I dont fear dying, I would rather not.
    No less than I deserve.
    See what you have done ?
    I may have lost face but I have not lost heart.
    And then, there were none.
    To die at my hand, is an honor.
    Hate to hit and run.
    1. 1.
      güzel panpa tam Yavuz Han'a göre
      1. 1.
        Orklar Yavuz Han tanımaz hepsini giber moruk.
      2. 2.
        Sus ulan zındık! Yavuz dedigin adam nil timsahlarını kesip sina çölünü geçmiş savaş kazanıp gelmiş adam ork degil büzüklerin efendisi gelse kaç yazar!
      3. 3.
        Jug tek keser bunları. 10 dakika kenarda dursun ellenmeden.
      4. diğerleri 1
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