1. 1.
    establish (9)
    to set up, put in place, or institute (originally from the Latin stare, to stand)
    dis-establish (12)
    to end the established status of a body, in particular a church, given such status by law, such as the Church of England
    disestablish-ment (16)
    the separation of church and state (specifically in this context it is the political movement of the 1860s in Britain)
    anti-disestablishment (20)
    opposition to disestablishment
    antidisestablishment-ary (23)
    of or pertaining to opposition to disestablishment
    antidisestablishmentari-an (25)
    an opponent of disestablishment
    antidisestablishmentarian-ism (28)
    the movement or ideology that opposes disestablishment

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