+1Hey Jew, don't tell me lies
about gas chambers in Auschwitz
six million sleaze's are alive
as their circumcised sons, ugly daughters and wives
Hey Jew, the new Reich is here
and this time, it is for real
we have to stop your worldwide desecration of man
you're Satan's Spawn, and not the chosen
Hey Jew, in your Synagogue
preaching hatred for the Gentile
remember, we know what you're up to, you Jew
Zionism is Communism, there's no denial
Hey Jew, you hooked-nosed Kike
with your dreams of World domination
we'll fight, until the glorious end
and this end, is your extermination
Hey Jew, please stay away
I don't need you to cry at my shoulder
now I know, what you're all about
now that I am just a little bit older
Hey Jew, don't tell me lies
about the gas chambers in Auschwitz
six million Kikes are still alive
with their fucking children, and ugly wifes
haa-haa-haa-ha-ha-ha, haa-ha...
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