0panpalar şunlarada bir el atınlan ben artık istop ettim valla beyin amıcıklaması geçiriyorum yarın 4 de verecem ödevi pls yardım :(
stagflation :
the alternating bouts of boom and recession have caused many policy headaches in the past.But the 1970s saw the emergence of a new economic ailment. why were the recessions of that decade accompanied, not only by their familiar,and traditional, companion of earlier recessions-high unemployment- but also by an unexpected fellow traveller - raipd indlation ? the new disease, called STAGFLATiON,is the simultaneous accourrence of a recession ( with its accompanying high unemployment ) and inflation . will it be a recurrent probelem of free-market economies in the future ?
economic growth:
in spite of the short-term variations of output that are associated with the trade cycle,the long-term trend of total output has been upward for several centuries in all advanced industrial countries. the trend in the nation
's total output over the long term is referred to as ECONOMiC GROWTH. since rates of economic growth have typically exceeded rates of population growth in all adcanced countries, there has also been an increase in per capita output-output per head of the population. over recent centuries, the rise in per capita output has brought more or less continually rising living standards for the average person. starting in the mid-1970s there was a slowdown in worldwide growth rates which left per capita output stagnant . does this represent a basic change in underlying trends, or is it just a reaction to the prolonged recessions of the 1970s and 1980s ?
Much of the rise in per capita living stnadards that has occurred over the year has beed the result of a rise in what is called PRODUCTiViTY. This is a measure of how much is prodeuced per unit of resources can produce more and more over the years, then it is possible to production. ıf each unit of resources can produce more and more over the year , then it is possible to produce more output for everyone in the nation.
kaptan kirk ufuku keşke tanımasaydım
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