0The bones are found on our planet in the dirt we now walk
on, and we know their age for certain. Their ages fit perfectly with how long
it would take to evolve from them to us. Everything adds up perfectly. The
bones are from animals that are in our direct genetic line. We are
genetically less than one percent different from chimpanzees, and we are
connected genetically to all the animal life that ever lived on this planet.
Dinosaurs had two eyes, a brain, backbones, a heart, lungs, a stomach,
blood, a mouth, a nose, two ears, and four limbs. They have the same
basics we have now as humans. They slept, ate, mated, and were born
and died, just as we do now.
The evidence says that we were once them, that we evolved from them.
There is no evidence that we came from somewhere else. Thus, we have
to conclude it is true until there is better evidence to show we came from
somewhere else.
Everything in this book just says what the evidence says, nothing else.
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