+6look sir, i have just a couple of words for you. you are a well-off man. you got money and assets and everything else. you have thousands of employees serving you. does it befit you to threaten people's livelihood? does it befit you to chuck away and famish those innocents, those offspring in the dead of winter? how it does not! aren't you the one that does not smart even his own daughter, grudges a dreg of happiness from her? don't you get it sir, those two are in love with each other.
but i am gabbing away. i'm trying to explain love to the one that renouncing love. you the big boss, billionaire, moneybag, occupier of factories mr. saim. are you a great guy? no, i am, me, yaşar the foreman! you are a zero beside me, got it, a zero! you are as worthless as a stamp in my sight.
but be well aware of that, you can do nothing to either my son or my bride. you won't be able to collapse, scatter or defeat us. because we are connected to each other with love, not with cash. we love each other. we are a family. we are a pleasant family. do you think that you are equal to destroy such a thing?
do not molest my family any more! do not molest my children! do not molest my son! do not molest my bride! if a hair on their had is touched, me, me that hasn't hurt a fly in his life, yaşar the foreman, i'd draw and shoot you without hesitation! got it? i'd shoot you! i'd shoot you and wouldn't even turn around and look back.
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