0"Critical Error An unhandled exception is occured. The application will be restarted"
In an infinite loop, here is the root cause:
The torrent application in the WOTLaucher needs the Internet Explorer Settings. This error happens if you have uninstalled the IE explorer from the windows features. You can double check by going
1. going to the control panel, and then trying to open the internet options (when clicking this, nothing opens)
2. to the control panel ->"program and features" -> "turn windows feature on or off" -> "Internet explorer #", this must be checked
After re-enabling the Internet Explorer, restart your computer and run windows update, and install all the updates for the Internet explorer (install version 10, or 11 as needed)
After all this, restart your computer again and then run the WOTLauncher.
panpalar şunu bi çeviriverin ne demiş bu bin
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 29 01 2025
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arka analımı yırtana kadar gibip
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