0Secret shadows behind the veil
What you see'll be shinin through
Before the darkness I've seen
The light around you
If you want I'll be there
Before and ever, I read your soul
You can't be lying all this years
You don't remember
And always keep the silence
Light in the shadows has words to say
I see the life is over sold
Therefore I need someone true
I was in depth to you
Black shadows life behind the veil
Who dares to change the life someday
All you need is sometime
They told you to work things over
That you never feel, You belong
I gotta make you see,
You can do it just your way
Freedom will bring another day
I see the life is over sold
Therefore I need someone true
I was in depth to you
Black shadows, life behind the veil
Who dares to change the life someday
All you need is sometime
Now you deny Human for sale
Go, Better break these chains
Never live your life in chase
Black shadows life behind the veil
Who dares to change the life someday
All you need is time
sağdaki neyse de
bu elaman akil hastasi hayalinde ulke
tylerr dursun burayaa gel
cccrammsteinccc günaydın başlığı cügü rekoru
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ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 14 01 2025
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