1. 26.
    franklin: where are you man. your home is empty.

    michael: i had to lay low for a while. that mexican we met, we did that job for him and we fell out.

    franklin: you gotta be kidding.

    michael: i wish i was.

    franklin: where you at now?

    michael: desert. out alamo sea.

    franklin: alright, i'll call you if i find something.

    bu noktadan sonra olay kopuyor.

    michael: oh, hey, trevor's got his wife.

    franklin: trevor's got a wife?

    michael: no, no the mexican's wife.

    franklin: what! shit i don't know what i can say about that one.

    michael: nothing to say about that.

    trevor burada uyanıyor ve ron'a çemkiriyor.

    trevor: ron! i'm back!

    ron: i'm coming trevor.

    trevor: bring me a coffe otherwise i'm gonna cut your arm off.

    ron: absolutely!

    michael: who's that? your maid?

    trevor: business partner. good guy. very loyal.

    ron gelir.

    trevor: ron, that is michael. and this is patricia.

    buradan sonrası yarıyor. trevor ilk gördüğü an yazmaya başladığı ve o an sandalyeye bağlanmış patricia'nın ağzındaki bandı bir hamlede söküp alıyor.

    trevor: listen, beautiful. i'm sorry about everything that's happened. and i, you know, i can't guarantee no harm's gonna come to you. might have to chop you up into little pieces before spraying your pulped mess down the drain, but, i really hope it doesn't come to that.

    patricia: i appreciate your honesty. you are a good man. i can see that.

    trevor: you need to get your eyes examined then.
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