+2Can you translate the following text into English , I bet everything suk nickalt ;)
loss of cigarette
• Makes halitosis , can lead to tooth and gum disease .
• lips, cheeks and throat cancer causes . even without burning cigarette or chews tobacco in carrying on his lips for the mouth cancer are seen.
• tongue, taste buds are obscured .
• leads to the death of brain cells . learning disorders , memory impairment , and early dementia is observed.
• a reduction in the transparency of the eye lens that causes cataract .
• It causes deterioration of the skin's structure . blemishes and wrinkles are formed. causes of cellulite .
• reduced sense of smell in the nose .
• sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis , and upper respiratory tract infections such as otitis media leads to .
• accelerates hardening of the arteries . brain and heart causing atherosclerosis . heart attack and high blood pressure are seen.
• is a leading cause of impotence in men . also are important causes of bladder cancer .
• severe damage in the lungs , cause diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis . bronchial tree and lungs causes the formation of many types of cancer .
• gastritis, peptic ulcer and reflux disease causes . leads to cancer of the stomach and esophagus .
• cigarettes consumed in pregnancy and low birth causes growth retardation in infants .
• premature menopause and is the cause of cervical cancer .
• weakening of the nails on the fingers and leads to yellowing .
• cause osteoporosis .
• burger cause disease . Starting from this disease and cause blockage of the hands and feet and limbs should be cut .
• In the body fatigue , insomnia , stress, tension , decrease in performance and a decrease in reflexes are observed.
• Increased risk of pancreatic cancer .
• illness , injury and surgery is the treatment for a long time .
• You may disable the drugs used .
• be a burden on your budget , leads to environmental pollution , is a major cause of fires .
• children lack the genes which inhibit cancer comes to life .
• 10-15% of pregnant women with missing birth weight and infant is born with a lack of intelligence .
• harms those around you do this . your child to start smoking rate is higher.
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