0chatleştigim bi kıza sordum , kendisi amerikalı uzunca bi yazı yazmış
I think hair is just part of "looks." If I'm going to "like a guy" he's got to have a whole lot more going for him than nice hair... anywhere. Think about it for a minute. Do you like blondes, brunettes, or redheads? Is there ever an exception? Why? Do you like tall girls or short girls? Are there any exceptions? Why? I think you'll find it's the same with girls' tastes.
If you're talking specifically about superficial "first impressions," then in general: I prefer a "neat" appearance. But that's "in general." It's going to depend on the guy, and the reason I'm "passing judgement." As you've seen from the answers, it's also going to depend on the girl who's "passing judgement."
In most cases nobody's going to notice hairy arms, legs, or back My SO swims Masters and that's an exception. But I don't think guys parading around in Speedos are thinking much about impressions... except maybe those they make on the competition. And if it got to the point where I was able to see some guy's pubic hair, we'd be a little beyond "first impressions."
My SO sometimes answers questions on this site that tend to deal with qualifications for a specific military branch and specialty. His answers tend to be on the order of, "If you're looking for a set of steps to follow to become [whatever], there aren't any. There is no such thing like, 'do this, do that, score this on a test, and you're guaranteed a slot.' You take your shot and do your best." So, if you're trying to decide whether YOU should go "hairy" or not, I'd suggest you try different looks. See how they "work" for you. But, if you expect to make a favorable lasting impression, you'll have to have more than just looks... just like we girls.
So, let's say you take specific advice given you here on YA. Let's say you try to pick up some girl at a bar, and she says, "Are you kidding? You look like an ape," [or maybe "You look like a 10-year old."] What are you going to say, "You're nuts. This girl told me on the Internet... "? If she has a quick wit, she might suggest that you to go and try to pick up the girl on the Internet.
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