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well, you can very easily change your sleeping pattern in a way such that you stay awake all night, and sleep during the day. i know this is possible because i am exactly this way. it has probably been over 2 years or so that i stay awake all night and sleep during those awful too bright hours of the day. my body has absolutely changed to compensate for this alteration as well. when i do have to go to school or do whatever in the day light, i notice that i am extremely tired. then, when the dark sets in, no matter how tired i am i will be awake until at least 6 in the morning... right about when the sun comes out again. most of the time i just stay awake all day... going on 3 days currently.
as for why everyone else sleeps at night and not during the day is a learned habit that society has adapted to. yes, it is true that the rods and cones in our eyes are stimulated to conduct action potentials when there is light, but i do have a lamp and i don't sit in the dark all night. it is also true that sunlight is the only source of vitamin d, some have hypothesized that being out in the sun releases endorphins in your brain, thus, making you happy to go to bed at 10p.
well, it is a fact that the day can be the night and vice versa. it takes some gettig used to, but after a while it feels completely normal. if you really philosophize about your question, all the things you asked you can make happen. if you believe it, even if no one else does, it is true, right? anyways, the this world is what you make it and that's all there is to it. i don't think sleeping at night is some inhereted evolutionary trait kept from cave men time... we did lose are tails. whose to say that we sleep at night so everyone can go do their 9-5 in the morning. we sleep at night mostly because we are told to, not because our body prefers it that way. this habit is very easy to change, and take my advice, the night time is much better!!!
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